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Festival de Marseille

The Violet Hour + ARK 1

Colette Sadler

dance video French Premiere

Futuristic machines, 3-D images, spatialised sounds, amplified voices… Colette Sadler invents a new choreographic language to speak about today’s world and a speculative post-apocalyptic future with the hybridisation of technology and humans as its DNA. Unsettling for some, fascinating for others, her work creates dialogues between bodies, objects and minds in an undefined temporality and blurs our familiar frames of reference.

Since 2016, the Berlin-based Scottish artist has been developing a corpus of multi-disciplinary works exploring speculative futures and post-humanism. At a time when AI and the ecological crisis are causing havoc, she has created the performative installation ARK 1 – the name of her spaceship – where video, soundscape and text resonate with one another. Leah Marojević’s body interacts with a science fiction narrative, while the “live” dimension bears witness to the survival of a human presence despite degraded ecosystems and the Earth’s exhausted resources – unless all that is already just a distant memory… After Learning from the Future, which deconstructed the very substance of a quasi-roboticised body, The Making of Doubt, I not I, and the show for young audiences Strange Garden – all titles that represent her favourite themes –, Colette Sadler digs deeper into her unique style with the solo ARK 1. Invited by the Festival de Marseille to prepare a new project titled The Violet Hour, she will reveal a work-in-progress sequence from it, again accompanied by the dancer and performer Leah Marojević and the hypnotic presence of Marseille-based sound designer Samir Kennedy.

Première en France

En partenariat avec SCENE44

La résidence de création The Violet Hour est soutenue par le British Council dans le cadre du programme Royaume-Uni/France Spotlight sur la Culture 2024 Imaginons Ensemble

Practical information

Duration: 20' + 35'

Age: 14 and over

Language: english

Where ?
SCENE44 . n + n Corsino

 Carsharing available here from June 3rd

Pôle Média Belle de Mai

37, rue Guibal, 3e

Métro - 1 arrêt Cinq Avenues Longchamp

Tram - 2 arrêt Longchamp

Bus - 49 arrêt Belle de Mai, 56 arrêt Pôle Média

Bus de nuit - 582 arrêt Belle de Mai la Friche

Vélo - station Friche Belle de Mai

Parking - Le Champ de Mai


free admission upon availability

Book !


ARK 1 : 
Direction artistique, installation, vidéo, texte et chorégraphie : Colette Sadler
Conception et direction artistique vidéo  : Mikko Gaestel
Animation 3D et conception : Alexander Pannier
Performance : Leah Marojevic
Son : Heiko Tubbesing, Mikko Gaestel, Samir Kennedy
Voix-off vidéo : Alicia Matthews
Conception des costumes : Colette Sadler, Theo Clinkard
Production : Catherine Launay
Fondé par : Nationale Performance Netz “Stepping Out” Fund, funded by the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media within the framework of the initiative NEUSTART KULTUR, Assistance Program for Dance.
Avec un investissement supplémentaire de : CREATIVE SCOTLAND open fund
Acceuils en résidence : The Work Room Glasgow, Tanzhaus NRW and Fabrik Potsdam
Productions : Tanz im August International Dance Festival Berlin in cooperation with Sophiensæle and Kultur Büro Elisabeth

The Violet Hour :
The Violet Hour is supported by the British Council's UK/France Spotlight on Culture 2024, Together We Imagine/Imaginons ensemble project. Co produced by Dance International Glasgow 2025/TRAMWAY (Glasgow) tanzhaus nrw (Düsseldorf),Charleroi Dance (Brussels), Tanztendenz (Munich). Residency support from Battersea Arts Centre London in collaboration with Goethe Institut London."The Violet Hour" is generously supported by Creative Scotland National Lottery Extended Fund.

Photography © Dajana Lothert, Mikko Gaestel, Colette Sadler